Networking has never been easier: Match & Connect at RuhrSummit 2018 via App!

Networking has never been easier: Match & Connect at RuhrSummit 2018 via App!

Find the One – For your business.
Sounds simple, because it is. This year, you make all the decisions yourself, since you know best what and most importantly who you need. The B2Match App offers for the first time access to an entire and high-quality network of VCs, business angels, representatives of established companies and other partners.
B2Match makes it happen.

By applying various filter options (industry, function,…), you can quickly identify suitable business partners or investors via app. If you are interested in a personal conversation with selected personas, you can send them appointment requests effortlessly. However, our partners’ slots are limited (first come first served) and each participant has the option to reject appointments without giving any reasons. If both parties are interested in a meeting, we will send you an appointment confirmation.
It’s a match.

At the RuhrSummit, we have built up a special Match-Making Area, where you can talk to your Speed-Date partners for 10 minutes each. For start-ups, this is an opportunity to receive a wide range of feedback and to make direct personal contacts. For investors and companies alike, the speed dates offer a unique opportunity to get to know interesting start-ups very efficiently without having to struggle through endless pitch decks.