Fact Finding support challenge
by Siemens
Support an analysis during fact finding including creation of reports
Keywords: Software; app; hands-free; hand-held; smartphone; process; Analysis; image recognition; interface
Qualified fact finders currently perform power plant component inspections during outages. This involves the manual creation of technical notes and photographic documentation using checklists. A list of corrective measures exists to support fact finding recommendations in the field. This list is currently manually administered. A detailed report of the findings on the individual components is then created manually on the basis of these technical notes and photographs. The report is created in a report-writing tool (eFRW).
The digital Field Service Tool (POLARIS) which is currently being developed will require access to the results of the fact finding inspections.

Siemens AG, Power Generation Services
The Siemens Power Generation Services Division offers a broad spectrum of innovative products and services, to enable our customers within the utility, oil & gas, and industrial processing industries to achieve high reliability and optimal performance of their rotating power equipment.
In addition to our conventional services we offer Digital Services that enable customers to create new business models and manage their risk, improve their performance and ultimately increase their profitability.