Fact Finding in closed casing condition challenge
by Siemens
Visual inspection of turbine blade path without opening of the turbine
Keywords: Software; app; hands-free; hand-held; smartphone; process; Analysis; image recognition; interface; remote inspection; fact finding; high temperature; connectivity; visual inspection; dark environment; mini camera; material surface
The minimum spacing between the blades is 5mm with a minimum blade height of 40mm.
The inspection should be carried out in a closed, dark environment with a maximum temperature of 100°C.

Siemens AG, Power Generation Services
The Siemens Power Generation Services Division offers a broad spectrum of innovative products and services, to enable our customers within the utility, oil & gas, and industrial processing industries to achieve high reliability and optimal performance of their rotating power equipment.
In addition to our conventional services we offer Digital Services that enable customers to create new business models and manage their risk, improve their performance and ultimately increase their profitability.