Moderated by Robin Wauters
08:00 Registration opens
09:30 Welcome Back Session: Oliver Weimann (Founder, 360 Online Performance Group)
09:45 Keynote: Robin Wauters (Founder, Tech.eu)
10:00 Panel: “Pitch around the world – How to access international startup ecosystems“, with Dmitrij Kononenko (AHK Russland), Esther Mukendi (AHK Kenia), Dr. Verena Adamheit (AHK Schweden), Maren Petry & Katja Schlaug (AHK China), Fabian Zittlau (AHK Saudi-Arabien) and Christian Lüdtke (Gründerallianz Ruhr) moderated by Dominik Stute (IHK Dortmund)
10:45 Keynote: “Become beta: Why the corporate trap can be bad for business” by Matze Riedl (CGO & Co-Founder, DCMN)
11:10 Keynote: “Digital Empathy as a Service“ Hendryk Hosemann (Co-Founder, brytes)
11:25 Keynote: “How to grow a startup without loosing spirit“ Daniel Duarte (Co-Founder, koawach)
11:50 Keynote: “Fuck turnover – why real visions aren’t measurable?“ Anna Yona (Co-Founder, Wildling.Shoes)
12:10 Keynote: “How Finland Became a Startup Superpower: From Nokia to Startup Sauna” Glenn Gassen (Espoo Innovation Garden)
12:30 Keynote: “Continuous disruption as corporate philosophy” Max Wittrock (Co-Founder MyMüsli)
13:00 Lunch
Moderated by Patrick Kitzinger
14:00 Keynote: “Digital Transformation @Haniel or how to change from head to feet” Dirk Müller (CEO, SchachtOne, Haniel Group)
14:20 Keynote: “Skin in the Game – Why NRW honestly needs a real Accelerator!“ Vidar Andersen (Founder, Andersen&Associates)
14:40 Award Ceremony KARL-KOLLE-Stiftung Startup Award in categories “HighTech & Hardware” as well as “Software Innovation & App” moderated by Winfried Pinninghoff (KARL-KOLLE-Stiftung)
15:00 Panel: “Success factors of a startup ecosystems – based on IT-Security cluster @Bochum” with Carsten Willem (CEO, VMRay), Christian Zenger (CEO, Physec) and Willi Mannheims (MD, eCapital)
15:30 Keynote: “How to speed up? The NAGA Group – from founding to IPO within 21 months!“ Benjamin Bilski (CEO, NAGA Group)
16:00 Energy-Break
16:15 Startup Pitch Grand-Final moderated by Oliver Weimann, Patrick Kitzinger (both 360 Online Performance Group)
17:15 Keynote: “The path of a Founder to a Corporate Athlete… and back” Sebastian Janus (ex-CFO Foot Locker.com)
17:30 Award Ceremony moderated by Carmen Radeck (Founder, Ruhrgründer.de)
17:45 Farewell moderated by Oliver Weimann (Founder, 360 Online Performance Group)
Insight Talks
10:00 Insight Talk: “Startup-Life is a Pitch“ by Nils Beckmann (Pitch Trainer)
10:45 Insight Talk: “How to convince an Investor“ Ulrich Schmidt (HTGF)
11:30 Insight Talk: “How to build digital Communities“ by Nora Breuker (Setlog)
12:15 Insight Talk: “Growth Hacking“ by Hendrik Lennarz (Growth Hacking Academy)
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Insight Panel: “Global trends that will shake our world: Some insights from obvious (and not so obvious) startup ecosystems” with Oleg Bochtarev (Director New Ventures, Kirov Group, St. Petersburg), Pablo Perez (CEO & Co-Founder of Mapoteca, Chile), Anas Dahlawi (General Manager of FalconViz, Saudi Arabia) and Ruxandra Dumitrescu (Manager Market Research, AHK Romania) moderated by Michael Blank
14:30 Insight Panel: “Looking ahead: Emerging markets go startup!” presented by Make IT Alliance
15:15 Insight Panel: “Fast, Innovative and Globally Connected – The Chinese Startup Scene“ with Miriam Theobald (COO, Things Move China GmbH DONGXii.com), Sarah Buchwieser (Business Development, Safety Tax Free GmbH), Raphael Lang (Co-Founder, BABYBE), moderated by Maren Petry (AHK Beijing) & Katja Schlaug (AHK Guangzhou)
16:00 Energy-Break
TEV Hall
10:15 Semi-Final I “Teams of Day I“ -> 6 Teams
moderated by Patrick Kitzinger
11:30 Semi-Final II “International Teams“ -> 6 Teams
moderated by Dominik Stute
13:00 Lunch
Deep Dives (nur mit Anmeldung!)
10:15 DeepDive VR/AR
10:15 Impuls & Insight Talks
11:30 Networking Break
11:45 Open Tables (3 Rounds of 25min)
13:00 Lunch
14:00 DeepDive Smart City
14:00 Impuls & Insight Talks by bee smart city
15:15 Networking Break
15:30 Open Tables (3 Rounds of 25min)
Workshops (nur mit Bewerbung!)
14.00 – 16.00 Workshop “Das hätte ich auch gekonnt“
– moderiert von Fraunhofer IML und dem Effizienzcluster Dortmund
– Zielgruppen: Konzerne, KMU, Startups
– 15-20 Teilnehmer (max.)
14.00 – 15.00 Workshop “Digitalisierung anhand analoger Artefakte als Ausgangspunkt und Symbol für individuelle Geschichten“
– moderiert von Digitale Werkbank Dortmund
– Zielgruppen: Mittelstand, kleine Unternehmen
– 15-20 Teilnehmer (max.)
14.00 – 15.30 Workshop “Talking database!“
– moderiert von Ingo Marienfeld and Viktor Kessler (beide MongoDB)
– Zielgruppen: Developer, Consultants, Startups & SME
– 15-20 Teilnehmer (max.)